Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Rocking Lesson 2

A warning about *some* rocks that I should have posted in Lesson 1 is that if you get a bag of rocks from a craft store, the dollar store, etc, and they are polished, DO NOT START PAINTING ON THEM.  That shine doesn't like to hold paint at all.  Alas, there is a fix for this, so don't despair.

Now that we know what kind of rocks we have available, we need to know what to do with them!  Sometimes, as with the rocks that are smooth from Home Depot, nothing is required.  You can just start painting on them.  *Guilty*  You can wash them or soak them, but be sure that you let them get GOOD and dry before you try painting on them.

Many people put a quick, light coat on their rocks with the Triple Thick Clear Glaze from Krylon that we are about to discuss.  Just something over the "smooth and shiny"or "grit and grime"  to help the paint hang on.  I've seen this clear coat suggested by SO MANY talented "rockers" that there was no question to me about getting $4.00 or less for a can, it's not a huge splurge, but for the results vs. the .97 can I was using, it's WAY worth the $4 to have a can.  You don't use as much, and it lasts a good while.  It also will keep your drawings and artwork from running.  Wal Mart, hardware stores, many places offer this, so it's a pretty accessible "tool".  I actually purchased mine on Amazon when I got some of my markers, just because it was easy and I could.  You have to be VERY CAREFUL about what you coat your work WILL run and fade and then you'll be sad, and rock painting is definitely on the opposite spectrum of sad and should stay that way.  While we are talking about this spray, let me tell you that a couple coats on both the top and bottom of your rocks will protect them for a good, long while.

Mod Podge.  It's wonderful for so many things.  We will actually be doing a couple lessons later down the road in which we will be using this stuff.  You don't need a huge bottle.  Really, you don't.  It lasts a long time, and I use mine a lot!  You can use Mod Podge as a clear coat, for a base coat, or for a top coat.  (And some other things we'll get into...) BUT, in my humble opinionation, I would choose to use the glaze for both of the above-mentioned options.  I have been using my Mod Podge, because it needs to be used, and because this is the "hard coat" version...but I'll be spraying mine once this bottle is empty.  *Note*:  Mod Podge comes in a variety of sizes, types, and for a variety of purposes.  It can be purchased at Wal Mart, Target, any craft store.  If you really wanted, you could hop on Pinterest and find a recipe to make your own.  I think it's really something simple like glue and water.  

While we are on the subject of Mod Podge, these little sponge/brushes are what I use for backgrounds when I paint on canvas, and also when when I use the Podge.  I always have a stash of these laying around, and when I'm in the mood, depending upon the abuse I have put them through, I will wash them...if not, they go in the trash.  The link below was the only ones I could find that are what I was talking about, but the ones I buy come from Michael's, and I only get them when they are a whopping nickel a piece.  I get like $5.00 at a time.  Get some.  You won't be sorry.

(I don't know why that isn't click-on-able, but just search for foam brushes, or if you go to the store, they are with the paints and brushes; in that area.)

Another way to prep your rocks is to sand them.  Obviously, this would be only to rough up the surface if they are polished, shiny ones, or to smooth out any parts that are smoothable to make painting easier for you.  To sand, I recommend the "sanding sponges" that you can find if you click the link I am providing you with below.  These also work in mega mode if you get them wet before you start sanding.  You have been warned.

Another thing the sanding sponges are great for is to give a little shabby/country/rustic look.  I just could't make this flower "right".  My motto when something doesn't quite make it when I am working on it is to keep painting until it does.  That's the beauty of can just keep going until you have an eye-pleasing piece.  I didn't want my rock to be as shiny as it, I took the sanding sponge to it.  If you look close, you can see the rock showing through in the middle, and through the petals here and there, and the shiny gleam is gone.  I have not coated this one with a finish yet, so it will look smoother and shinier after I do that, but it's still definitely got a "rusty" finish to it.  I'm pleased with it now.  *note* If you use your sanding sponge wet, you will want to rinse it out until the water comes through clear.  These things will last for eons if you take care of them.  Again, you can find these at Wal Mart, or any hardware store.  

Either tonight or in the morning, I am going to make an informative post, not really a lesson, on shopping.  Of this subject, I have a vast knowledge....which probably isn't a good thing...eek.  I'm going to tell you what to get where, what not to get where, and the least-expensive way to purchase items you need.  I'm also planning to post Lesson 3 tomorrow as well.

Don't forget - if you want to add to anything I've said, please do.  My experimentations and knowledge is by far never going to be complete, and I love learning.  If you have questions, if I wasn't clear, whatever the case may be, please say so.

I want to know how many are reading to the bottom of the post, so if you've made it this far, please comment and let me know if you found the hidden words in the flower posted above.  


  1. I think the hidden comment is "now bloom"

    1. I love how you interpreted it from your perspective. I wrote it as "bloom now"....but I like your version's encouraging, tantalizing, a challenge....Whatcha gonna do now? GO BLOOM. Thanks, Jena!

  2. I love reading your blog posts!

    1. Thanks! As you know, writing has always been therapeutic for me, and I love engaging the reader. I'm getting a spark of life back in me, and I'm so comes from everyone I know, near and far, encouraging me, praying for me, loving me, and cheering me on. I'll keep writing...and when I don't, feel free to do some prodding!

  3. Looking forward to more blog posts on rock painting and different techniques. A great way to reduce stress. I find it fun to look over my little creations!

    1. Hi! I soooo agree with you! Painting has kept me sane for many years now. Crafting, really! I'll be posting other how-to's about stuff and such, too...but wanted to get rock painters the info because they are asking, and this was the best way that I knew to spread the news, and still have people be able to access it quickly and in an orderly fashion. I'm glad you're here! Be sure and share your creations with us! (I look back over mine, too!)

  4. Did I miss Lesson 3. I am going out today and was goi g to shop for a granddaughter visit.

    1. NO ma'am, you did not! It was supposed to be posted tonight, but I spent the night NOT how I planned. I'll be blogging about it in a few, after I answer questions and comments. I'll post Lesson 3 tomorrow, hopefully early in the day, depending on work load...

    2. NO ma'am, you did not! It was supposed to be posted tonight, but I spent the night NOT how I planned. I'll be blogging about it in a few, after I answer questions and comments. I'll post Lesson 3 tomorrow, hopefully early in the day, depending on work load...

  5. Those rocks that have the waxy coat, I soak them is dish soap and clorox for about an hour or so. Then give them a lil scrub with an abrasive sponge and it comes off.

    1. just made my day!!!!! THANK YOU for sharing this!!!!! And thanks for stopping by to check things out!

    2. just made my day!!!!! THANK YOU for sharing this!!!!! And thanks for stopping by to check things out!

  6. I'm catching up on all the posts today! Thank you so much for doing this as I am a newbie and just starting. You write very well and it is easy to understand. Thanks again Abby and keep up the good work!

  7. Thank you! I love to write and teach...and I love art, so I'm glad it shows here! Feel free to ask questions, share, etc....the more participation, the merrier!
